Hormones and Seizures in Women with Epilepsy
Article Highlights
- Catamenial epilepsy is a condition in which seizures increase around the time of a woman’s period.
- The change in seizure frequency noted around the time of the period appears to be due to hormonal changes.
- Estrogen tends to increase seizure activity
- Progesterone tends to reduce seizure activity.
- As women go through the changes in their hormones during their lifetime, seizure frequency can also change. During perimenopause, there is a tendency for women to have an increase in seizure activity. During menopause, there is a trend towards improved seizure control. These patterns are noted more often in women with catamenial epilepsy.
- There are medication options currently available for the treatment of catamenial epilepsy.
Women with epilepsy will often note an increase in their seizures around the time of their periods (Penovich, 2008). It is not unusual for the patient herself to bring this observation up to the doctor. The increase in seizure activity correlates with changes in hormones that occurs during the menstrual cycle. The worsening in seizure control can best be documented on a calendar: the patient’s periods can be charted along with the seizures. A clear clustering of seizures may be noted in close association with the periods. The medical term for an exacerbation of seizures around the menstrual cycle is catamenial epilepsy (Penovich 2008, Herzog 2008). I should stress-this is a common phenomenon! Approximately one-third of women with inadequately controlled seizures meet criteria for catamenial epilepsy (Herzog, 2008). The purpose of this article is to explore how hormones can change seizure activity in women with epilepsy.
Example Case
32 year-old woman with history of seizures since 13 years of age. Her typical seizures are described as follows: She has an aura- it is a rising sensation in her stomach. It is a combination of mild nausea and fear. This will last for a few seconds. She then loses contact. She stares and is unresponsive. She will pick at her clothes and grab at people or items that are in front of her. Seizures last for 30 seconds. Frequency of seizures was 3 per month.
The patient pointed out to her doctor that her seizures seemed to occur around the time of her period. The patient ended up keeping a careful calendar for 5 months- charting the days of her period and the days of her seizures. Just like clock-work, her seizures occurred over a 2 day span, consistently two days before her period started. She was diagnosed with catamenial epilepsy.
The patient was started on progesterone therapy. Progesterone was given 10 days before her period started and was then tapered to off four days into her period. Thus, she was on progesterone for 14 days and off progesterone for 14 days. The progesterone was allowed to build-up in her system before the increase in her seizures was expected (seizures were expected to increase 2 days before her period started).
The patient had an excellent response. Her seizure frequency was reduced by 60%.
Estrogen and Progesterone
Estrogen and progesterone are two important hormones that change during the course of a menstrual cycle as well as during a woman’s lifetime. During the approximately 28 day cycle, the fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone can be quite dramatic. For example, around ovulation (mid-cycle), estrogen level may be quite high. During puberty, perimenopause and menopause, there are major changes in the relative levels of estrogen and progesterone. There is robust research in both human and animal models which support the following basic concepts:
- Estrogen tends to increase seizures.
- Progesterone tends to reduce seizures.
It has been observed that when estrogen levels are high, seizure activity tends to cluster. In contrast, progesterone is being studied as a possible treatment for seizures (see below).
Seizures and the Menstrual Cycle
During the typical 28 day menstrual cycle, there are variations in the relative levels of estrogen and progesterone. At times, the levels of estrogen are much higher compared to the levels of progesterone. It is when estrogen is relatively high that seizure activity is most likely to occur. There are three times during the menstrual cycle that hormonally triggered seizures are most likely (Herzog, 2008):
- Around the time of ovulation (between days 10 to 15 of menstrual cycle).
- Around the time of the period (between three days before and three days after the period starts).
- During second half of menstrual cycle (between days 18 of cycle through three days after period starts).
It is during these three times that women with catamenial epilepsy will notice an increase in their seizures.
Lifetime Changes in Seizures: From Puberty to Menopause
A very common question we receive in clinic is: What will happen to my seizures when I hit menopause? Another common question is: Did puberty trigger my daughter’s seizures? These are great questions. Research to answer these questions is ongoing. There is information currently available to guide patients on these important issues.
As everyone knows, puberty is a time of dramatic hormonal changes! The adolescent physical appearance, emotions and thinking are all undergoing remarkable changes. Mood changes can fluctuate in remarkable ways. Given all the hormonal activity, it is not surprising that some girls experience changes in their seizures during puberty. Certain types of epilepsy are more likely to start during puberty (for example, Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy).
Of course- pregnancy includes remarkable changes in hormones! These changes have many important effects. Pregnancy in women with epilepsy is such an important topic, I will plan on writing a separate article on this topic. Keep on the look-out for the article!
Perimenopause is the time in a woman’s life where her menstrual cycle is shifting- from regular cycles to toward permanent infertility. Perimenopause is characterized by erratic fluctuations in hormones. Estrogen levels can often be quite high during this perimenopause period. For some women with epilepsy, seizures can become much more frequent as they go through perimenopause. This is thought to be due to the high levels of estrogen.
When women enter menopause, hormone levels are characterized by low and stable estrogen levels. During menopause, women with epilepsy often have a reduction in the frequency of her seizures. Thus, women with epilepsy often will often have an increase in the frequency of seizures during perimenopause, and a reduction in seizures during menopause. This pattern is more frequently noted in those women who have a history of catamenial epilepsy (Harden, 1999).
Treatment Of Catemenial Epilepsy
There are several treatment options for catemanial epilepsy. Some of the options include:
- Natural progesterone lozenges ( a hormone)
- Acetazolemide (a diuretic)
- Clobazam (a benzodiazepine, effects GABA receptor)
- Ganaxolone ( a steroid, effects GABA receptor)
Data on progesterone was presented at the most recent American Epilepsy Society Meeting (Herzog et al, December 2011). A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled multicenter trial was described. Progesterone was noted to be an effective treatment for selected women with catamenial epilepsy. It appeared that the more frequent a patient’s seizures are around their periods, the better the response to progesterone.
A suggested treatment strategy is to give progesterone for 14 days of the menstrual cycle (Herzog 2008, Pennell 2009). Thus, the patient may be on progesterone for 14 days and then off for14 days. The progesterone is started several days before the period starts and before the seizures are expected to occur. This allows the progesterone to buildup in the body. The progesterone is then continued a few days into the period, and then tapered to off. It is hoped that the higher progesterone will stop the seizures!
Progesterone has side effects—sedation, mood changes, bloating, weight gain, breast tenderness and other side effects. These need to be considered—a thorough discussion between the patient and clinician is important. Also, natural progesterone appears to have better efficacy than synthetic progesterone. In order to obtain natural progesterone, ordering from a compounding pharmacy may be necessary.
Hormones can play an important role in seizures in women with epilepsy. Increasing levels of estrogen tends to increase seizures, while higher levels of progesterone tends to reduce seizures. Women who have an increase in their seizures related to their periods may be diagnosed with catamenial epilepsy. This is a surprisingly common condition, noted in one-third of woman with intractable epilepsy. In order to determine if a person has catamenial epilepsy, careful tracking of seizures and periods on a calendar is needed. Treatments that are relatively specific for hormone triggered seizures exist and appear to be effective. Clinicians can currently prescribe such treatments. Research is ongoing to develop better treatments for this important condition.
Harden CL, Pulver MC, Ravdin L, et al. The effect of menopause and perimenopause on the course of epilepsy. Epilepsia 1999;40:1402.
Herzog AG. Progesterone therapy in women with epilepsy: A 3-year follow-up . Neurology 1999;52:1917.
Herzog A. Catamenial epilepsy:Definition, prevalence, pathophysiology and treatment. Seizure 2008;17:151-159.
Herzog AG, Fowler JM, Massaro JM, et al. Progesterone therapy for women with epilepsy:results of the phase 3 NIH progesterone trial. Presented at the American Epilepsy Society Meeting, December 2012.
Pennell PB. Hormonal aspects of epilepsy. Neurol Clin 2009;27:1-25.
Penovich PE, Helmers S. Catamenial Epilepsy. International Review of Neurobiology 2008;83:79-90.
James White, MD
Dr. White has been practicing as a full-time epileptologist since 1999. His practice focuses on optimizing the diagnosis and treatment of patients with seizure disorders. Dr. White’s special interests include patient education, improving the side-effect profile of seizure medications, and epilepsy surgery.
30 Responses to “Hormones and Seizures in Women with Epilepsy”
Angela P May 16, 2012 at 5:18 pm
Wow! After seeing this new study come out. I wish we knew this 10yrs ago. Your first exampled Really described some of thing I was going though, But one question I have is. Why after having a child have my seizures decreased? I’ve had 3 grand mal since I had my daughter, but I am still having petit mal. I went from 10 to 20 times a month. I’m going to ask my doctor if this is going on.
James White, MD May 17, 2012 at 5:01 pm
Thank you so much for your comments. You asked a great question- about your seizures decreasing. If you have specific questions about your case, as your comment indicates, asking your clinician is the best way to get answers (given that your doctor knows your case the best). It has been great to see the response to this article (including on our Facebook page). Hormones and seizures is such an important topic! Thank you again.
Doctor Nuride, MD April 8, 2013 at 1:44 pm
Thank you for information.I need information or article about catamenial epilepsy. Im from azerbaijan.
Odalys Cardona October 31, 2013 at 10:44 pm
I am menopausal,I was one of those women who had catamenial seizures. I also had brain surgery before reaching menopause, this caused a significant increase in my seizures.
I am 50 yearsold and at this time I notice that my seizures has increased from approximately 3-4 a month to @5-6 a month.
I’m wondering if it would be beneficial for me to go on progesterone and if so the natural or the synthetic. Could it be possible that you could print me on this matter. I would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you so much ahead of time.
Reply By: Annette Gideoni March 29, 2014 at 3:36 am
Dear Odalys Cardona,
I have had my epilepsy since I was 11 months old. I have also been for surgery, but it did not work. I have been having 2-3 seizures every month and always around my menstrual cycle. I have now started going for the progesterone injection and have noticed some real grate things. In most of the things I have read about progesterone and epilepsy, they always write about the progesterone pill, but here in my country, South Africa, they still only have the injection and as we all now,”no injection can stay the same for 3 months,they do get worked out” Nevertheless, I was still keen to try and have seen some real grate changes in myself. I have been on the injection for 9 months and the first thing I noticed in myself was an improvement in my sleep. Sleep have always been a big problem for me. Falling asleep between 22h00 – 23h00 at night and then waking up between 2h00 – 3h00 and staying wide awake till 6h00 before going back to sleep. That was the fist grate thing the other thing that happened was a big decrease in anxiety.I am now following the ketogenic diet to balance my hormones and am going for the injection more ofen. It sure has helped.
Odalys, the injection is not natural, but which ever way possible I believe you should try.
Sheila Foxall January 21, 2014 at 11:27 am
I am so thankful to hear this information. When I was in puberty I started having these feelings around my period time. I did not know what it was until I was married and five months pregnant with my first child and had a grand mal seizure. I had grand mals for a few years, but then got them under control with meds. I was seizure free for about 20 years. Then when I was 48, right before I stopped my periods, I had a grand mal seizure. I had quit a few in the months to come. I am now on a progesterone cream and a higher dose of meds. I am much better but still have the feeling that I am about to have a grand mal just don’t have one, about twice a month, around the same time of the month. I would love to find someone to help me adjust meds and cream. Thank you for allowing me to discuss this. It seems that there is little information on this subject.
Veronica March 9, 2014 at 4:52 pm
I am 50 years old and had first seizure only 15 months ago with 3 grand mal in 24 hours, I then had another seizure 3 months later and was put onto medication (Sodium Volproate) and have not had a grand mal since. However I do have feelings of nausea, dizziness and almost about to pass out, I have to really focus on doing something to stop this. this happens daily for around 3 or 4 days in mid cycle and at least one day before and on the day of my period. It seems now that these feelings are happening more frequently and for more days mid cycle and end of cycle. I have been diagnosed with ‘migralepsy’ (epilepsy due to migraine) but having read your article above I now feel that catemenial epilepsy may be more relevant as I am sure it is due to hormone changes. I will bring your article to the attention of my Doctor. Do you have examples of woman starting catemenial epilepsy at this age due to perimenopause?
Asad April 13, 2014 at 12:06 pm
I just got married . My wife has started having this sort of experience in the past 7 months. I am so heartbroken and worried about my wife’s future health. Whether she can have babies and wont she face any serious injury when she would collapse. I have found through internet that Maca root powder can help this.
Lets all study this product and share our results. I am searching for this product difficult to find here.
Jessica May 1, 2014 at 1:27 am
I am 30 years old. This is the second month in a row that i have a seizure during my menstrual cycle. But i have never had any seizures before in my whole life that i know of. Could this be what i have or are there other similar things that this could be?
Chamorita June 11, 2014 at 11:12 pm
I am a 38 year old female and I had seizures since 7months old. I’ve been given different medication and they never help. As I was reading about catamanial seizure I learn that all the symptom I go through are exactly the same. So I hope that this medication is the one for me.
Elaine Prusack June 15, 2014 at 8:08 am
This question is for Dr. White, can you recommend a doctor like yourself in nyc or long lsland,ny please.
C July 16, 2014 at 1:09 am
My 11 year old daughter just started her period. On day 3, she had her first “episode”. We are now 18 days into her cycle and have had 7 different episodes. Prior to her period, there were no signs or problems. A pediatric neuro states that because our EEG is normal, my daughter is having psychogenic non-epileptic seizures and the neuro believes she needs to seeing a counselor instead of a dr, I believe my normal, healthy, active, happy 11 year old is not harboring trauma or stress that manifests itself as a seizure. What type of dr should I be looking for in order to get a 2nd opinion? An Epileptologist? A hormone specialist? Another neurologist? Any advice would be helpful in getting us on the right track.
Anita July 25, 2014 at 7:24 am
I have petit mal since age 14, two years into puberty. MRI has never found a dot on my brain. Had one seizure during five years of pregnancy, breast feeding of thee children. Seizure reoccurred two years after the last and only happens every six to seven weeks. It’s 25th July today and I haven’t had a seizure since 7th May. My monthly cycle isn’t as it was and my breast are sore. Due to seizures not happening and certain times of the month the menstrual cycle has never been blamed. Do you think Progesterone treatment might me the answer? Even plasma exchange didn’t do the trick. Thanks
Shorif September 4, 2014 at 5:42 pm
Great, Thanks
Janette September 11, 2014 at 11:04 pm
Hello….. I have never had seizures before until I turned 40 and now I’m 42 and every time my menstural cycle comes up to 5 days after it ends I start to get mini seizures a couple the first 2 days then it goes to about 1 a day for a couple days then stops completely till my next cycle…. About 5 months ago I had a full blown seizure…. When I read the article it sounds a like me except the part that says that the hormone levels make the people with Epilepsy have worse seizures…. Well I have never had seizures till 2 yrs ago so do you think it’s the same
Thank you
Linda Cooper February 15, 2015 at 6:33 pm
I have had seizures on left Temporal Lobe due to car acc. @3years old. Seizures at ovulation and menstruation. Left Temporal Lobectomy @35 years old. Then only occ. Hysterectomy at age 52 hormones now the GIVE more estrogen and less progesterone. Have spoke with DR but refuses change I am 67 years old and they want to prevent CA and Stroke. What I’m information do you have for mm e Thank you Linda Cooper
Janette February 27, 2015 at 8:02 am
Hi Dr. White…… I started about 3 yrs ago (and I’m 42 )now getting these episodes a couple days before my menstural cycle and sometimes couple days after… I would always feel a switch go off in my brain and new it was about to happen but couldn’t stop it…. I know it only lasted couple seconds but I would speak jibberish and then lick my lips atleast that’s what my hubby would say ….. They would start with a couple episodes on first day and then dwindle down by about the fifth day and then my period would start and then they would stop and then sometimes when cycle was over I would have a few days….. Well one day almost a year ago I had a full blown seizure freaked us all out …. Was in hospital and they put me on Keppra they didn’t wanna hear anything about it being tied into my hormones….. I been on Keppra since and I still get the mini episodes….. My gynecologist said she would try me on progesterone but I haven’t yet cause I get freaked out taking so much meds…. So I was thinking bout the Natural cream…… What do u think? Thank you
Elizabeth W April 19, 2015 at 10:42 pm
I have had seizures since puberty hit me, and this also occured with my sister. I am 43 years old, into perimenopause. I’m in Chicago, seeing Dr. Rose at U of C. Are there any doctors at either U. of C or Rush you’d recommend- someone who would work on helping me with progesterone? I went to doctors at Rush ; good ones like Dr.Frank Morrell ( a saint!) , but saw alot of mediocre doctors there too. I wanted to hang out with Dr. Balabanov, because she was checking out hormones, but was told to work with others.
Do you have any suggestions for a doctor who is working on women and hormones? I’m on 4 anti- seizure drugs, plus an anti-anxiety drug. A person cannot function well on so many “downers”. I wanted to use my art skills at one time, and gave up due to depression. There is not enough support for depression- I’m sure you’re aware. Thank you.
Lindsey Freeman May 11, 2015 at 12:12 pm
I am a 32 year old women. From age 15-16 (puberty for me), I had a total of three simple partial seizures (auditory buzzing) and they were spaced apart by exactly six months and they were always during my period. I was put on Tegretol from age 15-18 and changed to Topamax by a different doctor from age 18-21. I was then taken off seizure medication at age 21 and my doctor old me I was misdiagnosed and did not have epilepsy.
Fast forward 10 years (never had any seizure activity for 10 years) and last June 2014 at age 31, I was driving and suffered a severe tonic-clonic where I actually required CPR by my boyfriend after he safely pulled the car off the road. I was on day 3 of my period. After resuscitation, I had a very long post-ictal state of 30 minutes of combative behavior, loud screaming and was actually given 5 mg Haldol IM. Six months later, a few days before my period this past December 4, I had another tonic-clonic (this time not requiring CPR), and had another long post-ictal state, others said I acted like a person heavily drunk and screamed loudly.
I am currently taking Keppra and Lamictal per my neurologist. Luckily, I have a hospitalist boyfriend and he has ordered me natural progesterone as soon as we do a saliva test in about 2 weeks to test all hormone levels.
Does this possibly fall into the category of catamenial epilepsy even though every event is 6 months apart? I want to know if seizures have to occur EVERY month to be considered catamenial epilepsy. Thank you, and you have a great website here.
Elise August 20, 2015 at 9:48 am
Hello. I am a 24 year old female with catamenial epilepsy. This is one of the most detailed reviews I have found of catamenial epilepsy on a neurologist’s website. I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 13. I had tonic clonic seizures that were occurring mid-cycle, during ovulation. At that time- I was put on epilepsy medication and birth control, skipping the placebo, although the term Catamenial epilepsy is something I found on my own only within the last few years. My seizures were generally controlled by this regiment and then after going 3 years with no seizures, I had an EEG that came up clean. So- in 2012 I began to go off of all of my medication under the care of my neurologist at that time. I remained seizure free without any medication- just monitoring my cycle, trying relaxation techniques, and monitoring my exercise and diet, for almost 2 years. Now, within the last year and a half, I have had 4 seizures. All with visual auras as warnings and in the morning hours- and all during ovulation. It has also been a very stressful time which is really the strongest trigger for me. I am getting ready to move to another country and this change in my life has caused me a great deal of added anxiety. In light of my most recent seizure- that happened a week ago, I believe I should go back on birth control- skipping the placebo, at least for the time being to help me through this time. But, I still do not believe it is necessary to go back on epilepsy medication. Overall, I have had 11 seizures over 11 years. I believe they can be managed without the medication as I have experienced this. I have had such a challenging time finding neurologists and doctors who truly listen and see the variety and spectrum that people with epilepsy can fall on. I want to try to manage this from the hormonal point of view and by regulating my stress levels, and I do not think I am being foolish to not go back to epilepsy medication. But, I would really value your opinion- I do not want to be completely naive as I like to think I research and decide what is best for me. Thank you so much for any help or thoughts you have. I would not go to this extreme of publicly posting my challenges if I was not in this unique situation of moving out of the country and not being in a situation to find a new neurologist. I also currently live in an extremely rural area of the country and it is not feasible to seek an opinion elsewhere at this time. Please help me with any thoughts you may have. God bless.
Ashley Stauffer November 17, 2015 at 11:24 am
Hello, I am new to the epilepsy community. I got married august 9th this year and 2 weeks later I started having seizures again. The last seizure I had was when 8 months old. The thing I have noticed since being put on medication is that my periods have stopped. I spot for a day and that’s it. Obviously I don’t that I am not having to deal with it but seeing as it is not normal it is a concern.
Dr Grace Grabowy February 15, 2016 at 6:40 am
Hi Dr. White,
I am a physician in New Jersey with epilepsy. I am doing research on progesterone and was interested in what ingredients the lozenges contain and what dosage range you use.
Thank you.
Grace Grabowy D.O.
Michele Kegley March 13, 2016 at 3:08 pm
I started having seizures at the age of 14 years old when my menstrual period started. I was put on Tegretol that we soon learned I was allergic to and put on another medicine that made me cry uncontrollable so bad that I could barely go to school. Every time I ate some thing with sugar in it I would have a seizure and was put on Dilantin also and the Ketogenic Diet high protein and did not have a seizure for 4 years.
At 21 years of age I became pregnant with my 1st child. The doctors thought for the child’s best interest and I had not had a seizure and to take me off my medicine. Bad idea! 36 seizures, 2 anti-seizure medicines, and head sewn up from a fall at 6 months of pregnancy, breach birth with a C-Section and a major seizure 2 hrs after birth, put in ICU, put on morphin and not waking up for 3 days I was alive and miraculously had a healthy 7lb. 13 oz. baby boy with no problems. He is wonderful young been in the Air-Force with honors, 25 years old with a beautiful wife, healthy 21 month daughter, and another child on the way in Sept. of this year.
I was 23 years old and I had been sick with a high fever and was feeling bad after a month of being sick. After a visit to a doctor I was told I was pregnant it had not crossed my mind that I was pregnant because I was having a period and I was taking my birth control pills. Four months into my pregnancy a test showed positive that my baby had a Hypoplastic left Heart and Spina Bifida. The doctor suggested we abort the baby my husband and I said that was not an option for us. My daughter was born 3 weeks earlier than she was expected at 5lbs.10 oz. we loved her for the 29 hrs. I did not have one seizure but was in labor with her for 24 hrs and had a C-Section and sick with a fever and in the hospital for 7 days after I had her.
It took me 2 years and was on high dose of Folic Acid before I got pregnant with my 3rd child to prevent Spina Bifida. When I started the Folic Acid it caused a breakthrough and my seizures I worked a job for the first 4 months of my pregnancy until I started to bleed but was given bed rest and stop working for the rest of my pregnancy. I walked had a healthy weight for my pregnancy with a miraculous vaginal birth and in labor for only 4 hrs. I had another healthy 7lb.10 ozs. baby boy.
For 10 years I continued to have seizures around my periods every month. I was in my late 30’s when the seizures finally stopped. Last year my seizures started again when I tried to go work as a Nurse at the hospital and my periods stopped. I had an Follicle Stimulating Hormone test that showed my ovaries were only making estrogen. This made sense to why the seizures had returned.
I have been on a Natural Compound of Progesterone for almost 4 1/2 months. The first 2 months the Progesterone worked but I have been sick and had more seizures. I saw someone that is going into specializing for hormone treatment and had some blood test last week. He believes my Progesterone needs to be higher to help with my issues. I am having problems getting someone to do my hormone levels at a Diagnostic Clinic at this time.
My life has come to a stand still and I cant do anything and I am just 47 years old and I have parents that need me.
What you have written makes sense in every way. Just getting someone to agree is the problem. I found a Neuroendocrinologist in New York that agrees I am just waiting to hear back from him. That is a long ways from where I live but the problems I have I don’t care if he is on the other side of the earth I will go to him.
Michele Kegley
email: mkeg841@hotmail.com
Megan Gerould January 4, 2018 at 7:51 pm
I am a 32 year old who’s had auras and seizures related to catamenial epilepsy. I’ve tried the progesterone pills but still had seizures and small auras. Almost 3 months ago I had an Oophorectomy, where my ovaries and Fallopian tubes were removed. I am happy to say my seizures have been reduced to small auras and even though I am having some small hot flashes and other menopause signs, my auras are still right on the spike and drop days. Does anyone know if these will run out as the extra estrogen is used? Thanks!
Debby Doo June 9, 2019 at 4:05 pm
I never had a seizure in my life until two years after my partial hysterectomy and now I have them every 6-12 weeks. I used to only have them in my sleep but now I have them also while awake for several days until they taper off and stop. It takes about two weeks to fully recover and then I’m fine until it starts all over the next episode. All work up has been negative and no cause or health issue has been a suspicious culprit so there’s no idea how to treat them. I tried seizure meds and combinations of meds with no improvement.
I still have hot flashes and mood swings so I guess I’m still going through menopause.
My questions are
1. Is it due to the partial hysterectomy?
2. Will it stop later in life perhaps when my one ovary dies/quits functioning?
3. Will I have seizures for the rest of my life?
Siezures after Ivf? – BabyandBump June 13, 2014 at 4:16 pm
would have been peaking then and that’s the one that is well known to increase seizure activity. https://mnepilepsy.org/patient-inform…with-epilepsy/ I’m glad to hear you’re going in to the seizure clinic to get it sorted either
Progesteron virker mod epilepsi – uden bivirkninger – NHT – Center for Naturlig Hormonterapi February 11, 2020 at 3:53 pm
8) https://mnepilepsy.org/patient-information/hormonal-issues-in-women-with-epilepsy/