Routine Phone Calls
General medical questions such as those related to fever, upset stomach and concerns not related to epilepsy should be directed to your primary physician.
Routine phone calls received after 4:30 p.m. may not be returned until the following day. If leaving a message, please leave several phone numbers, if necessary, so we may reach you.

Urgent Phone Calls
An urgent phone call is:
- A sudden change in seizures that appears serious and different from baseline.
- Severe vomiting with inability to take medications as scheduled.
- You have started a new medication and there is a potential drug reaction (i.e., rash or significant behavioral change).
The covering nurse will respond to urgent phone calls during office hours.
After Hours
There is always a doctor on-call after office hours to take urgent calls. Call our office number and tell the operator the name of your doctor and the nature of the urgent problem. The answering service will page the on-call doctor to return your call.

Scheduling Appointments
If possible, schedule your next appointment after your clinic visit. If unable, you may call to schedule at a later date. Make every effort to keep your appointment. Please arrive on time. Please bring seizure count according to seizure type, along with a current list of all medications and doses.
Forms Requiring Physicians’s Signature
Whenever possible, bring forms with you to clinic visits. School forms for Fall should be requested prior to August 1st. Allow 10 days for processing.
Driver’s License Forms
Be aware of your state regulations and complete forms as fully as possible. Many states require a clinic visit within 3-6 months of having your forms completed. Please try to schedule accordingly, and bring forms with you to clinic. You may mail or fax completed DMV forms to us. It is your responsibility to request a form from the DMV if it has not arrived in time.
Missed Dose of Medicine
If you / your child miss a dose of an antiepileptic medication during a 24-hour period, it should then be taken as soon as possible. If two or more doses are missed, take one missed dose immediately and call our office for instruction.
Lab Work
- Preferably, labs and drug levels should be obtained prior to AM dose. If unable to do so, document time of last dose.
- Drug levels are sent to outside laboratories. It may take several days to get the results. If we have not contacted you within 3-5 days and a medication change is pending on results, please call our office.
- For prescription refills, call your pharmacy.
- Allow 72-hours for processing.
- Drugs requiring written prescriptions or mail order should be called in one week in advance.
Over-the-Counter Medicine
See educational handout: Information About Your Seizure Medications.
Please contact your primary care physician if you have questions concerning immunizations. If you have questions for your neurologist at Minnesota Epilepsy Group, please discuss those at your next scheduled appointment.
Clinical Research
Minnesota Epilepsy Group is committed to improving the lives of those with epilepsy. One of the ways this is accomplished is through clinical trials for investigational drugs. If interested, please speak with your nurse or physician at your next clinic visit. The Research Department may also be contacted via email: research@mnepilepsy.net.